Myofascial Align Pattern Yoga (MAP)
Myofascial Alignment Pattern Yoga (MAP) is Amy’s blend of poses (asanas), breath work (pranayama), meditation, anatomy exploration and alignment to your MAP which is unique to You. We each have an individual MAP that we have inherited and developed over our lives. Understanding your individual MAP can help you find greater ease of movement and less discomfort. Learn self-myofascial release work on balls and foam rollers too.

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation meditation. A half hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 2 hours of sleep. Eases anxiety, replenishes rest, brightens the brain, connects the mind and body, and so much more . . . Come rejuvenate yourself and let me talk you into Bliss!
Drop in for a yoga class!
Tuesdays 8:30 – 10:00am
Myofascial Alignment Pattern (MAP) Yoga
Thursdays 8:30 – 10:00am
Myofascial Alignment Pattern (MAP) Yoga & 1/2 hour of Yoga Nidra
Angie's Gym
141 Sand Dollar Rd.
Ocracoke, NC
$20 per class
($5 off for seniors and under 18)
cash or check only please
Please call Amy for schedule changes.